Migraine: Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment and Management

  • Migraine mainly affects people between 15 and 45 years old, being more common in women.
  • Identifying triggers and adopting healthy habits can prevent or reduce their frequency.
  • Treatments include symptomatic and preventive measures with pharmacological and non-pharmacological options.
  • A balanced lifestyle and alternative therapies are essential to manage this condition.

Botox against chronic migraine

La migraine It is an extremely intense and debilitating type of headache that can significantly affect the quality of life of those who suffer from it. Its origin is neurological in nature, and it is characterized by a variety of symptoms that vary between patients.

What is migraine and what are its main characteristics?

Migraine is distinguished from other headaches by its intensity and characteristics. It is often accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • Unilateral pain: In many cases, it affects only one side of the head.
  • Nausea and vomiting: These are common symptoms associated with migraine episodes.
  • Photophobia and phonophobia: Extreme sensitivity to light and sound.
  • Intensification with movement: The pain may be aggravated by any physical activity.

These symptoms may last from a few hours to several days. The frequency and duration of episodes vary significantly among patients.

Who is more likely to suffer from migraines?

Migraine and magnesium deficiency

Migraine is often hereditary, as it occurs more frequently in families. It usually appears during adolescence and affects women more than men, especially between the ages of 15 and 45. Recent studies indicate that migraines may even begin during childhood or, in some cases, from the womb.

With age, the frequency of migraine episodes tends to decrease, offering some hope to those who suffer from this chronic disorder.

Migraine triggers and prevention

Identifying and avoiding migraine triggers is key to reducing the frequency and intensity of attacks. Some of the common factors that can trigger migraines include:

  • Stress: Situations of emotional stress can trigger an episode.
  • Disturbance of sleep patterns: Sleeping too much or too little can be harmful.
  • Food and drinks: Some foods such as chocolate, aged cheese, alcohol or processed foods can be triggers.
  • Sensory stimuli: Bright lights, loud noises and intense smells.

In addition, adopt Healthy Habits can be key in prevention. These include:

  1. Eat at regular intervals: Maintaining a balanced diet and avoiding prolonged fasting can prevent low blood sugar levels that contribute to triggering migraines.
  2. Drink enough water: Dehydration can play a major role in the onset of migraines. Staying hydrated is essential, especially when exercising or consuming alcohol.
  3. Increase magnesium intake: This mineral helps prevent migraines by improving blood flow to the brain. Magnesium-rich foods such as whole grains, nuts, and green leafy vegetables, or even supplements, may be beneficial.

Diagnosis of migraine

Headache causes

Diagnosing migraine can be challenging due to the variable symptoms among patients. Typically, a neurologist makes a diagnosis based on the patient's medical history, symptoms, and a physical exam.

In complex or unusual cases, additional tests may be performed such as:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): To rule out tumors, strokes, or other neurological conditions.
  • Computed Tomography (CT): To detect abnormalities in the brain.

Treatment of migraine

Migraine treatment is divided into two main categories: symptomatic approach and preventive measures.

Symptomatic treatment

The goal is to relieve pain during migraine episodes. Among the most commonly used medications are:

  • Analgesics: Aspirin and ibuprofen are usually effective for mild to moderate pain.
  • Triptans: Specific migraine medications that block pain pathways in the brain.
  • Antiemetics: Useful for treating nausea and vomiting during episodes.

Preventive treatment

It is recommended for patients with frequent or severe episodes. Treatments include:

  • Beta blockers: They reduce the frequency of migraines.
  • Tricyclic antidepressants: Amitriptyline is one of the most commonly used.
  • Anticonvulsants: Like topiramate.
  • Botox injections: Especially for patients with chronic migraine. For a more detailed analysis on this treatment, you can consult the article on botox against chronic migraine.
  • Monoclonal antibodies: Newer drugs that act on calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP).

Lifestyle for migraine management

In addition to medical treatment, perform Changes in lifestyle helps manage migraine:

  • Maintain a consistent routine: Regular sleeping, eating and exercise habits are crucial.
  • Practice relaxation techniques: Yoga, meditation and breathing exercises can reduce stress.
  • Avoid triggers: Keeping a journal to identify what triggers your migraines can be very helpful.

Alternative medicine

Some non-traditional therapies may relieve symptoms or reduce their frequency:

  • Acupuncture: Studies suggest that it may be effective in treating migraines.
  • Supplements: Magnesium, riboflavin and coenzyme Q10 have shown benefits in certain cases.
  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: Helps change thought patterns related to stress and pain.

Migraine is a complex disease that requires a multidimensional approach. The combination of Healthy Habits, proper diagnosis and personalized treatment can significantly improve the quality of life of those who suffer from it. For those looking for more information on how to prevent and treat migraines, you can review this Article on the prevention and treatment of migraines.

Importance of emotional health in children
Related article:
Migraine in children and adolescents: Symptoms, causes and how to deal with them

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      chronic migraine said

    Migraines are variable, they can pass in a few minutes or go several days and be with these excruciating and intolerant pain. One of the most frequent migraines and the one that I suffered was the common or classic migraine, this type of migraine apart from the intense pain can present as symptoms diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. Attention must be paid to these pains before they turn into chronic pains. In these cases, doctors specializing in chronic pain should be sought to alleviate them and regain quality of life. Thanks for the advice you provide that will be of great help.

      pao said

    Hi, I'm Paola. I'm 20 years old .. I've had migraines since I was 10 years old. I have consulted several doctors ... and I still have not found a treatment that will help me reduce the pain ... I know there is no cure, as I understand it ... only treatments to improve the quality of life.
    One of the treatments I tested. It was..to take .. for 2 months valcote er pills. If they worked, it was necessary to prolong it until the 6 months were completed ..
    I made the mistake of cutting it off ... I just finished the 2 months ... and I didn't continue it ... (because I was feeling better, the pain had diminished a lot) after a while. I went back to the doctor .. and he recommended the same medicine .. and the same conditions .. but it did not work.
    He gave me antidepressants .. amitriptyline I must take them every night, first for 8 days half of each pill and then take a full one until completing 15. I started 2 days ago ... I hope to have results ...
    What other treatment can I try?
    From already thank you very much…

      marten said

    Hello, I have suffered from headaches since I was eight years old, at that time they did all the studies and everything was fine, now my studies in general are very good, and they have medicated me with propranolol, it gave me very good results, the first week They had already reduced the attacks. I lost a 2-year-old son 4 years ago and that worsened my situation, and I started to have migraines 365 days a year, before it was only 20 days a month. With that medication I managed to reduce the attacks to 2 a month. FOR ME A WONDER, I must be very careful with taking the medication because if I have no problems.
    Good luck to all the medication helps and the will to be better, that is why we are on this page, right?

      Monica arango said

    I also suffer from severe migraines that can last from 3 days to a whole week with vomiting and nausea. Thanks to Acupuncture I have been able to reduce the intervals of migraine and the frequency with which the attacks occurred.
    This has been the only means, after having tried hundreds of traditional medical treatments.

      Paula said

    Hello, I have suffered from migraine headaches for many years, I am already 32 years old and I still have not found a better solution than to lie down in a cool and dark place, in addition to being silent for at least a couple of hours. If the pain is too persistent, the only thing that sometimes relieves me is that the doctors inject me some heat. But it is not a guarantee. I stopped suffering these attacks, only during the course of my pregnancy ... weird, right?
    The doctors have not found me anything with their studies and they say they are crazy. It may be, but the pain is very real and disabling… doesn't the same thing happen to you? It is also an ailment that is rarely talked about and the bosses, or at least mine believe that it is a pain just like the ones he can have ... hahahahaha I wish he could pass it from time to time ....
    Well, I thank you for the space to express myself and the information you gave me. I hope we can continue to meet here.

      Wake said

    Hello how are you? I have had migraines with aura since I was 17 years old. I am 34 now and have used many clinical treatments to no avail. The attacks are with nausea, vomiting, numbness of the face or limbs, high pressure, and when the aura is withdrawn the pain is on one side of the head, throbbing and terrible. As of today, I am almost 5 months pregnant and my migraines have worsened to the point that I cannot go to work and almost completely lose the will to get up.
    Honestly I would like to know what else I can do since being pregnant you cannot take any of these drugs and my quality of life is worse every day.
    Thank you very much.

      Alice said

    Hello: they gave me the "magic" tip to cure these migraines, I was pregnant and after giving birth the pain was worse, I hope you don't go through that…. I recommend that you take gatorade, solural or any hydrating solution with electrolytes daily at least 200 ml, do not sunbathe, eat at your hours, sleep well: to achieve all this it is essential to LOVE YOURSELF A LOT and take good care of yourself ... that is, if the world it falls… it falls… if it rains, let it rain, if you have problems… who doesn't? accept what comes let it pass. I hope my tips work for you.

      martin said

    Alice, the truth is, I congratulate you on your way of seeing life, everyone should see it and live it like this. I thank God for your life !!!!! ahead

      Ma. Angelica Pizarro said

    Hi, Alicia is absolutely right. I also suffer from migraines. a few years ago I resorted to acupuncture releasing this for 6 years but again I have started with these painful episodes, I resorted to acupuncture again and this time I did not get results. Apparently it is a type of syndrome, several things must be put together to start a migraine such as:
    -Stop eating at regular times.
    -do not consume pure water.
    -tension or stress.
    -Exercise on bright days without adequate hydration.
    If we do the opposite of these factors, I think we will improve. obviously in some cases it will not be so easy.

      myrian said

    Hello: I have suffered from migraines about 4 years ago, the neurologist told me that it is hereditary, that I have to learn to live with this but the reality is that they are terrible pains that leave me from bed I take medication but today I am going to start acupuncture.


    I loved your articles on the Erichia Coli bacteria, I had it years ago.
    Also the article against migraine
    They are great and we have no difficulty in understanding each other.
    THANK YOU and I would like to hear from you bye.

      andres said

    Hello, I also suffer from very strong migraines that last only a few hours. I started taking cafergot, but after several episodes it no longer worked, now I take tonopan and if it works for me, although the symptoms decrease, these still persist. I recommend that you consult a book by Dr. Jays S. Cohen, he claims that migraine is completely cured with magnesium. I haven't tried it yet but it seems to have strong scientific bases. read it, you do not lose anything, the exact title I do not remember but it is something like "the magnesium solution for migraine" from the editorial panorama. He also has another book called "The Magnesium Solution for High Blood Pressure," by the same publisher. I hope it helps you, and always smile, friends of the same pain. bye.

      valeria said

    Hello, I have suffered from migraines since I was very young, they recommended me flunarizine and they worked well for me, after the recommended time of rest I started taking them again and they did nothing to me, they changed it for an antidepressant and nothing happened. At this moment I have a migraine per day, I am destroyed, what can I take?

      pam said

    Hello, I suffer from migraines at the age of 17, now I am 30 I have two to three migraines a week and now that I start to study they get worse, I want to find something so I don't miss my classes, because I always have vomiting and the only thing that calms me is the migral, but he does not avoid them, they tell me that everything is due to nerves and bad eating habits or after hours.
    but everything that is said is useful to me, thank you.
    see you

      valentina said

    Hi, I'm Valentina, I'm 32 years old, I've suffered from a migraine years ago, I visited several doctors and tried different types of medication and nothing, I got better, it grabs me more and more often and vomits and I can't even move for hours until I go to my hospital. town and they give me an injection of diclofenac and they will relive and after hours I'm better, without strength but with less pain. I already take flunarizine, atriptyline, propanolol, among others. But every time he grabs me more often and I don't know what to do. Please if you know of something to have a better way of life I hope your answer. Thank you.

      cecilia gomez said

    Hi, I'm Cecilia, I'm 40 years old and I've suffered from migraines for 17 years, it's terrible they did all kinds of studies and everything was fine. A year ago I was hospitalized for a crisis and I'm on medication and they referred me to a psychiatrist because the pain depresses me a lot. With antidepressants that I no longer take it is difficult to live with the pain more when there is a family involved I am happy to be able to share my experience with you, thank you kisses

      vvv said