Complete guide to the most common breast diseases

  • Breast diseases can be benign or malignant, and early diagnosis is crucial.
  • Common conditions such as mastalgia, breast cysts and fibroadenomas are usually benign but require medical attention.
  • Breast cancer, although more serious, has high survival rates if detected early.
  • Education and self-examination are vital tools for identifying breast changes.

breast diseases

The breast diseases They affect a large number of women worldwide, becoming a major challenge for public health. These diseases can be benign or malignant, covering a wide variety of disorders that impact both the physical health and the emotional well-being of women.

Learn more about the most common breast diseases and the available treatments can be key to effective detection and management. Below, we will explore these diseases in detail, their causes, symptoms, and the most effective strategies for their treatment.


mastalgia breast diseases

La breast tenderness, popularly known as breast pain, is one of the most common conditions. This pain can be cyclical, related to the menstrual cycle, or non-cyclical, caused by external factors. The most common causes include hormonal changes, trauma, or even the use of inappropriate bras.

Diagnosis begins with a physical examination and may be supplemented with mammograms or ultrasounds if necessary. Treatment varies depending on the cause, but may include drugs, lifestyle adjustments, or alternative therapies such as Massage y hot packs.

Breast cysts

breast cysts

The breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs that appear in the breast tissue. Although they are generally benign, they can vary in size and cause inconvenience, especially before the start of the menstrual cycle. They are most common in women aged 30 to 50.

Diagnosis is made by physical examination, mammograms, and ultrasound. In some cases, cysts may require suction with a fine needle to relieve pressure. However, in most cases, they do not require medical treatment.

breast cysts treatment
Related article:
Complete treatments and advice for breast cysts



The fibroadenomas are benign tumors composed of glandular and connective tissue. They manifest as solid lumps, and generally painless. They are more frequent in young women and their size can vary, although they rarely exceed 3 cm.

For diagnosis, physical examinations, ultrasounds and mammograms are combined, and in some cases a biopsy is recommended to confirm its benign nature. Treatment will depend on the symptoms. If they do not cause discomfort, they do not require intervention, but if they grow rapidly or cause discomfort, they may be surgically removed.

fibroadenomas or breast cysts
Related article:
Fibroadenomas and Breast Cysts: Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention


La mastitis It is an inflammation of the breast tissue, common in lactating women but also present in those who do not breastfeed. This disease can be caused by bacterial infections, blockages in the milk ducts or milk buildup.

Symptoms include redness, swelling, pain, fever, and general malaise. Treatment usually requires antibiotics, Together with hot packs and massage techniques to relieve pain. In addition, continued breastfeeding can help unclog blocked ducts and prevent complications.

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Breast cancer

breast cancer

El breast cancer It is a malignant disease that affects the cells of breast tissue. It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women and can present as a palpable lump, changes in the shape of the breast or skin changes.

Diagnosis includes mammograms, ultrasounds, biopsies, and genetic testing in some cases. Treatment depends on the stage of the cancer and includes surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy y targeted therapiesEarly detection is crucial to improve prognosis and increase survival rates.

breast care
Related article:
Main Types of Cancer: Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment

Fibrocystic breast disease

This condition benign It is characterized by changes in the texture of breast tissue, including lump formation and increased tenderness, especially before menstruation. Although it is not linked to cancer, it can make it difficult to detect other types of lesions.

Diagnosis includes mammograms and ultrasounds, and treatment usually involves Changes in lifestyle and pain-relieving medications. In some cases, the use of hormonal contraceptive methods may be beneficial in regulating symptoms.

Investing in breast health is essential for all women. Through regular check-ups, self-examinations and consultation with specialists, it is possible to improve early detection and quality of life in the face of any type of breast disease.

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